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It’s safe to say that at some point each of us has suffered from a crisis of confidence. In the office, in the classroom or in front of an audience – we’ve all experienced that moment when it feels like everyone around us is smarter, faster, better. Where does that insecurity come from and what can we do to combat it? 


This online platform and community have been created to help young people cultivate their creative confidence. As a young person yourself, as a parent, as a teacher, all of us have a role to play. Let's get started, shall we? Here, you'll find a strong community, a collection of tools and stories, new articles and blog posts, and spaces to host and participate in conversations. Our awesome creative confidence ambassadors help curate the content and manage the community, and we've designed this in a way that you can create your own page and curate your own experience as you go along. 


This is your library, your café, your amusement park, your university campus, your searh engine, your one-stop-shop for creative confidence!




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At its core, creative confidence is the ability to come up with new ideas and the courage to try them out. As children, each of us had a certain level of our own creative confidence baked into our identities and behaviours. Unfortunately, many of us have since lost it or pushed it away – fearing that either we weren’t any good at being creative or that someone else was better. Maybe it was a parent who pushed you to focus on math or science instead of art. Maybe it was a classmate who laughed at your off-the-wall idea. Maybe it was your own fear of failure, or fear of being judged by others, that stopped you before you even tried. Whatever the cause, that moment – the point in time when a child or teenager chooses to either sweep aside his or her own creative potential or recommit to nurturing it – is what our challenge is all about. 


How might we inspire and support teens and young adults to continue practicing and to preserve their creative confidence? How might we anticipate that pivotal moment when a young person is faced with a crisis of creative confidence and help them navigate successfully to the other side? And if creative confidence is like a muscle that can be strengthened and nurtured through effort and experience, how might we encourage young people to flex these muscles, hone these skills and carry their creative confidence proudly with them in school and in life?



Creative confidence is the ability to come up with new ideas and the courage to try them out.

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